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Why Sri Lanka?


Sri Lanka has a unique location in the Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka now has numerous tiers of brands and stores thanks to its excellent business sense in the textile manufacturing industry. Because of Sri Lanka's high literacy rate, robust educational system, and vertically integrated local, regional, and far eastern supply chain operations, the apparel industry there is expanding rapidly year after year. By adopting better value-added services like design, proactive sourcing, printing, embroidery, bonding, and wishing to become a one-stop shop and please the consumer, Sri Lanka Apparel has been able to manage the upheaval in retail over the past ten years.

Many manufacturers have established swift supply programmes with significant vendors in intimates, cut & sew knits, and weaves in recent years due to focus on being on Speed to Market to guarantee that items are in stock and made continuously available to end consumers. In addition, a variety of brands and stores have chosen to co-innovate with a majority of our members, ensuring that we not only offer new items but also improve our procedures, IT systems, and IOT devices in the near future to position ourselves as the finest in the region.


With a literacy rate of 92.2% (91.1% and 93.5% for males and females, respectively), Sri Lanka has the most educated citizenry in South Asia and one of the highest in the developing world. A workforce that is not just competent but also clever, trainable, and accustomed to high-tech production and services has been created as a result of significant investment in public education. Nearly 50% of graduates from higher education have backgrounds in the technical and business fields. The primary language of the business world and one that is widely spoken. It is easy to find qualified and semi-skilled human resources at competitive wage rates who are well educated and motivated.


With over 18000 vessels and an increase in port visits to serve international customers, Colombo is the busiest port in South Asia and links the Indian and Sri Lankan subcontinents. All 20 of the top shipping companies in the world stop in Sri Lanka, which is also the top port in South Asia. The Port of Colombo is the world's fastest-growing transshipment port as of the first half of 2018, and it is ranked No. 23 among the top 30 container ports worldwide.

The Colombo port is top-notch and is equipped with contemporary container facilities and a sophisticated feeder network. In order to ensure that customer demands for speed to market are met, it is now growing and connecting into regional logistics, strengthening supply chains.

With more than 11 communication satellites orbiting above the southern part of the country, Sri Lanka is tied to the SEA-ME-WE III and IV (South East Asia - Middle East - Western Europe) fiber optic communication backbone, making it a destination with high connectivity and accessibility.

A new, contemporary second port is being built in Sri Lanka, which will enhance the nation's linkage to the east-west shipping route and increase supply chain security. Colombo is the heart of Asia with air-sea connectivity for consumers who are searching for garment manufacturers with regional consolidation. As it is at the halfway point between Dubai and Singapore, evolving logistics would also connect with other hubs from both the east and the west, offering international commerce the option to export either eastbound or westbound.


Additional trade benefits are offered to the markets when purchasing from Sri Lanka thanks to the availability of trade concessions under multilateral and bilateral agreements. India, Pakistan, and Singapore have already signed free trade agreements with Sri Lanka. Similar FTAs are currently being discussed with Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Thailand. Sri Lanka maintains friendly diplomatic and commercial ties with a large number of nations throughout the world.


Sri Lanka apparel has been providing clients with best items for many years by combining creative expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a love for innovation. The development of our supply chain, improvement of our design and development abilities, and collaboration with top elastic, fabric, lace, and accessory manufacturers to set up manufacturing facilities in the nation over the past ten years have made us the lingerie capital of the globe. Modern facilities, a complex and broad portfolio, and the very latest technology support every stage of our manufacturing process, enabling us to serve the extremely high-end specialty segments in the apparel business.

One fundamental task that is influenced by sophisticated technical methods is design. Sri Lankan clothing also exhibits impressive design skills. Our efforts to make manufacturing more environmentally friendly start with the design phase, creating a sustainable industry. Our designers use tools like the "Fast Fit 360" to turn client ideas into final clothes. We are also the go-to partner for businesses who want to create the most cutting-edge products. Consider the sportswear with aerodynamic design that we produce.


The Sri Lankan government has been concentrating on creating physical infrastructure to support the manufacturing sector. Over the past eight years, a number of projects have been started to totally revamp the nation's marine, air, road, and telecommunications platforms. The major infrastructure development initiatives in Sri Lanka are listed below.

• Sea Port and Airport Development
• Colombo Megapolis Project
• Development of High Mobility Road Network
• Power & Energy
• Telecommunication Infrastructure Development
